> Dental Education > Craniofacial Orthodontics > Program Overview
Orthodontic Program Overview
The Division of Orthodontics at Jacobi Medical Center focuses exclusively on patients with acquired or congenital craniofacial dentofacial deformities, requiring multidisciplinary care. To serve these patients, Jacobi hosts a CODA-accredited fellowship in Craniofacial and Special Needs Orthodontics.
The Division of Orthodontics currently manages approximately 200 orthodontic patients, in multiple phases of treatment. The overwhelming majority of orthodontic patients are in preparation of or have gone through surgical treatment as part of the comprehensive craniofacial treatment. Fellows are expected to directly manage and treat patients in each of these phases of care.
The fellowship emphasizes the multidisciplinary approach required for proper care of patients with complex dentofacial deformities, and the orthodontic fellows are a critical part of the treatment team. Fellows are responsible for managing cases and ensuring optimal treatment for pre- and post-surgical treatment.
Fellows will directly work with OMFS residents and faculty to develop surgical treatment options, finalize surgical plans, and provide post-surgical management. Fellows are expected to scrub into surgeries on patients they manage to work side by side with the surgical team. Fellows also work with pediatric dental residents and faculty on young craniofacial patients who require interceptive or orthopedic care.
Fellows are also members of the Jacobi Medical Center's craniofacial team, the Congential Craniofacial Care Center. They will work directly with allied clinical and non-clinical services, including Plastic Surgery, ENT, Audiology, Speech & Swallow, Social Work, and Pediatric Medicine, to coordinate care for patients requiring this extensive multidisciplinary approach.
Fellows have academic requirements, including attending lectures, performing literature review, presenting lectures to OMFS, Pediatric Dentistry and GP residents, presenting at the Jacobi Annual Orthognathic Lecture, present at orthognathic case conferences, participate in the multidisciplinary Craniofacial-maxillofacial Surgical Institute Grand Rounds with OMFS, Plastics and ENT services. Fellows are evaluated regularly for academic performance.
The majority of the fellows' time is spent in clinic, directly treating cases. Non-clinical duties include:
Presenting one pre-orthodontic case per month at the semimonthly Orthognathic Case Conference
Participating in relevant Morbidity & Mortality conferences
Participating in Craniofacial-maxillofacial Surgical Institute Grand Rounds
Attending lectures as per fellowship schedule
Participating in clinical research- fellows will have the opportunity to participate in existing clinical research or developing a novel research study. Fellows are expected to have a project that is suitable for presentation at an orthodontic meeting or for publication.
Jacobi participates in the annual New York Hospital Orthodontic Programs Research Symposium. Fellows will be expected to present at this meeting.​
Additionally, fellows ​are encouraged to attending annual meetings relevant to craniofacial or surgical orthodontics, such as the ACPA Annual Meeting or the International Cleft Congress. CIR stipends are available to fund tuition and travel expenses to these meetings.